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Each term we run a wide range of extra-curricular clubs to provide children with further opportunities to develop their skills and participate in  new areas of learning. After school clubs are wide ranging, sometimes introducing children to activities that are completely new to them such as dodgeball, African chess and circuit training.  At other times, after school clubs build upon skills that the children have previously learnt during the school day and provide them with the opportunity to further refine their techniques, such as football club, cello and violin club and cookery club.

Clubs run for 11 weeks each term and children are only charged £3.00 per club per week and this is further subsidised for families in receipt of the pupil premium.

Please click here for information on clubs for the Spring Term 2025

Most clubs are run by school staff, providing children and staff with opportunities to deepen relationships in a fun and relaxed environment.

Below are some of the clubs that the children are able to participate in. These include , Taekwondo, Art, Dodgeball, Gymnastics, Multisport and Cookery clubs.




   Click here for our own Cooking Recipe Book






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