Secondary School Readiness
On Friday 13th September we hosted a secondary transfer meeting that was well attended by both our Year 5 and 6 parents. The service manager from Lambeth local authority explained the secondary transfer process and staff from three local schools made a pitch to the parents gathered. It was lovely to see some of our former students come back to speak to parents as well.
In weeks to come, we will be inviting the Year 7 pupils back for a reunion at the school.
The key messages for parents who will be applying for secondary school are:
- ​Visit the school and make an informed decision for your yourself — Dates and times are in the booklet given out on Friday.
- Read and make use of the secondary school brochure that you were given
- Look at school websites to find out about the school
- ​Review the admission criteria for each school carefully
- Be organised!! Make sure you fill in supplementary forms, children attend the banding tests and the online application form is submitted by 31st October 2019