Important Information
School Days
Breakfast Club: 8:00am - 08:50am (Monday to Friday).
You will have to fill in a form to start attending Breakfast club. Click here to get the form and e-mail it to:
After School Clubs: 3:30pm - 4:25pm (Monday to Friday) for Key stage 1 and 2 children
Reception to Year 6
School Starts / End (total of 32.5 hours per week):
School gates open: 8:45 am
EYFS & KS1: 8:55am - 3:20pm (Monday to Friday)
KS2 : 8:55 - 3:25 pm (Monday to Friday)
Reception Lunch: 11:45am - 1:00pm
Key Stage 1 Lunch: 12:00- 1:00pm
Key Stage 2 Lunch: 12:15pm - 1:10pm
School Starts / End: 8:55 am - 3:20 pm
Nursery Lunch: 11:30 am - 12:30 pm
Drop off and collection
Children need to arrive at school on time in order to start their day in a calm, orderly way by 8:50am.
We open the school gates at 8:35am in order to ensure that the children are in their classes on time. children under Year 3 need to be supervised within the playground until the bell rings.
It is also important that you collect your child on time at the end of the school day. For safety reasons we will not allow a child to leave school with an adult we do not know or any sibling under the age of 14yrs.
If your child is unwell for one day, parents should telephone the school, and send a brief note detailing the reason for absence when the child returns to school.
If your child is unwell for more than one day parents should telephone the school on each day of absence, giving the reason for absence and stating an expected return date (if possible.) If your child needs to attend a medical appointment, the school should be notified a minimum of three days in advance, in writing, please provide copies of appointment letters or cards to the school office.
We are pleased to inform that Absences can be notified by our School Mobile App. Please click here for more information
Health and Safety
Health and Safety is a high priority at St Mark's. The Governors and Staff regard the safety and security of your child at school with the utmost importance. Our site has several entrances and doors and it is important that we keep the site secure at all times. Your cooperation is appreciated.